Collective shifts in consciousness and your Soul Mission

soul mission

So what does an individual Soul Mission have to do with supporting the development of collective consciousness currently?  This is a question I posed to the archangels and these are the answers I received: 


There is an evolution in human consciousness happening at this very moment, which is taking a giant leap in comparison to ages past.  This is helping to inform the work that you are to perform as an individual for the collective with your specific mission.  You would've all heard of the age of Aquarius, an age of greater enlightened thinking and being. This is true on many levels. 

However, we want you to know this, that consciousness evolution is happening by choice and has been chosen by many.  Yet the few who remain resistant, and in a lower frequency of mind, need the support of others to elevate their state of mind and being, For the change to occur. 


This is where your being comes in.  You are here to help with what is for many, a  difficult transition.  It is the time of change, which may feel tumultuous, difficult and uncomfortable.  Many structures on the planet need to die and evolve into new ones, but this can feel very destabilising and threatening.  This is why you have come to help with an enlightened view of the world. 

You may have been called idealistic in the past or unrealistic, but you are entering a time when these dreams are to be realised to a greater degree. We are here to support this. No, this is not a utopia, but yes, this is an evolution in the greater consciousness and of you as individuals. 


There is an uplifting and enlightening happening for all collectively, the group consciousness globally.  You see yourself as together and connected rather than as 'other'. As you raise your frequency and vibration through thought and love, so you will be affecting the field of energy around you and impacting all of those you touch.  It is important to remember the power of your presence at this time. Your love, and your thoughts have power and resonance, they have an affect. 

The frequency of the world, the earth, is changing rapidly. You will feel the affects of this in many ways, including anxiety, headaches, heart palpitations, for those of you, who are more sensitive. You can sense the change, and this is stressful. But now that this is natural also with this transition.  The transition is happening over many years and decades, but it is happening in your lifetime and will be affecting your children also.

Why is it happening?

It is time for change and radical change because you already are a collective.  There are many habits and behaviours that you have now gone beyond, and enough of you have raised to a higher frequency for a jump to occur collectively.  This is why it's happening now and has been foretold to happen. There is also a rebalancing occurring between the feminine and masculine as you would describe it.  The power of the feminine is rising, and it's being felt by many practitioners, particularly intuitive women at this time. 

In many ways, there is nothing to worry about as there is nothing for you to change. It's already happening.  In another sense, you have an important role in this evolution and it's important for you to engage in this.  It's nothing to worry about, it's just information to keep you aware of the wider perspective and picture. We (the angelic realm) are holding the whole, as well as individuals, this is our role. 

What does this radical change look like? 

It still remains a potential, however we can describe some of it to you.  The way your minds work will be different and the makeup of you energetically will shift.  You will make a leap in this way.  Therefore, how you function in the world will be different and will shift.  You shall not see yourselves as separate, but as a greater collective consciousness.  You will understand the power of this, and the dynamic of this in a conscious way.  

You will not be deluded by a sense of separation.  You will see the impact on the world around you and on other beings.  You will understand that to make change, you need to change your mind, as this is where it starts. You will understand the importance and impact of raising your vibrational frequency to one of love, compassion and commitment to this.  You will see the impact of not living with compassion on the world. 


The best thing you can do is make the most of the time that you have. This is what matters.  If you want to learn how you can do this yourself, read some of the previous blogs.  The angelic realm wants you to grow into your full potential so you can support this collective shift.  You are not alone in this journey of change.  Manage your time well, manage your mind, seek out instructors to help you. This is what to do next, knowing you’re in the backdrop of greater change. 

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