Healthy Boundaries

Sensitives, Empaths and Intuitives can struggle to create healthy boundaries in relation to others. Sensitive people with their empathic gifts can end up over-empathising with others and not listening to, or denying their own feelings and needs. Your awareness of the pain of others and your understanding makes you the person people turn to, to listen. As a sensitive being you may close down to yourself and open to others.

To survive your early years, you may have learnt to lower your boundaries and take on the energy of others, disconnect from your needs and open to the world around you. Perhaps to get through in your family or the societal system you’ve been making sure everyone else is ok, ensuring their emotional needs are met to prioritise peacekeeping. Intentionally, although unconsciously, you may not allow boundaries to be upheld, to stay safe or maintain your role and be loved. But this lack of healthy boundaries can cause various problems…

“Since working together I feel authentically confident. I'm standing up for myself and feel comfortable asserting my boundaries. I feel lighter, clearer and motivated. I feel much calmer and my concentration is better”.



Where you might be at Sensitive Soul 

  • To manage situations and people you may unconsciously give your energy away, being ‘overly’ empathic, feeling you’re unable to have boundaries to stay safe.

  • Struggling with the discomfort of other people's pain you can unconsciously take on or absorb their emotions ‘to help’ which leaves you feeling drained or depleted (and resentful or frustrated at times!)

  • You take responsibility for others due to their lack of self awareness so you may end up ‘parenting’ them, listening and advising to help, stepping in to deal with situations due to their lack of emotional sensitivity; left overgiving not listening to your needs feeling burdened and disempowered.


Sounds familiar?

  • You’re continually overriding your inner voice and intuition, questioning yourself. Shutting down intuitive gifts of knowing, not trusting the intuitive information you receive like the feeling, ‘I don’t trust them’ thinking - ‘No I’m wrong, I’m crazy, it must be me’ or denying and talking yourself out of your emotional needs when you feel ‘I’ve had enough now’.

  • You feel confused at times as your mood or feelings may suddenly shift around others, you may struggle to understand what is going on or what is ‘yours’ and ‘not yours’ (as you’re feelings the emotions or thoughts of others in your body)


Struggling with challenging people 

  • You find it hard to say no, just the thought of saying it might trigger fear, as you’re scared of conflict or hurting others, but you can be left feeling confused, irritated and drained 

  • You want to believe in the best in people, you try to be empathic and understanding, at times excusing painful, challenging or manipulative behaviour (that others won’t tolerate) due to their painful past, problems or trauma childhood, setting aside your own needs. 

  • At times you seem to attract ‘toxic’ or manipulative people, narcissists and energy vampires in different guises and want it to stop as it's damaging to you.

  • You may feel exhausted, fearful, confused and overwhelmed and may need to recover from trauma symptoms caused by a narcissistic relationship or parent or boss 

“I would recommend Nicole to anyone - she has really helped me to shift habitual responses to the world in a way that I didn't think was possible and I have great respect for Nicole and her work. Anna

Results you can expect…

You’ve been doing your best to create boundaries but you realize you need some help with this to truly move forward. Here’s how I have helped clients:

  • Feeling stronger as you release your roots of fear in the subconscious preventing you from saying no or withdrawing from situations or people. No longer feeling bound by habitual childhood responses of fears of conflict, lack of safety and rejection that don’t service you now.

  • No longer feeling guilty that you’re not being kind if you act on your needs too; i.e. declining social requests you don’t have capacity for, choosing not to rescue that friend or sibling - again, not feeling you need to be the social glue in a difficult situation… 

  • Begin to feel comfortable to reset your boundaries, valuing your own needs and feeling confident to listen to your energetic capacity, knowing it is not only important but essential. 

  • Develop and deepen a trust in your own embodied intuitive voice and inner guidance to establish your personal boundaries - feel your no’s, sense when that’s nearly enough and you need a break now, feeling assured to then act on it.

  • Coaching you through negotiating new boundaries, both big and small, helping to shift your perspective, feeling empowered to make changes.

  • Walking away or distancing yourself from narcissistic individuals and unhealthy relationships. Recover from emotional trauma and damage from narcissistic, toxic, controlling relationships or parenting.

  • Deepened understanding of your personal needs as a Sensitive person, begin to develop a lifestyle that supports you 

  • Feel confident and supported, to be able to advocate for your needs and boundaries as a Sensitive in your lifestyle, environment, relationships and work; negotiating alone time breaks with partners and family, letting work colleagues know what you need for your sensitivities to work most effectively, leisure time that nourishes you not drains you but makes others happy…

Work with me

Here is how I can help: Subconscious Healing 

I’m Nicole and I help empower Sensitive people to reclaim their personal boundaries with Subconscious Healing. How? Well together we will work with a highly intuitive and embodied approach with a blend of powerful subconscious healing methods (using what method is timely and appropriate: EFT, Hypnosis, NLP, embodied energy awareness, Intuitive Restoration Healing), to enable you to release and process the root key causes of your personal lack of boundaries/patterns in your subconscious mind. This enables a natural evolution to take place - a ‘reprogramming’ of the mind which leads to significant positive shifts to managing your boundaries including changing your mental habits, emotional and physical reactions. Learn more about the method